


  • 1.5Kg/3lb wholemeal flour
  • 3tsp soft brown sugar
  • 3tsp salt
  • 40g/1.5oz freash yeast
  • 1 litre/1.75 pints warm water

  • Grease three 450g/1lb loaf tins
  • Mix the flour & salt in a large bowl
  • Mix the yeast, sugar & 400ml/.75 pint of warm water in a small bowl.
  • When the yeast mixture is frothing, mix it into the flour but do not handle it too much or knead it.
  • Leave it to rise for about 40 mins then tip it out onto a floured board.
  • Weigh it and divide into three greased tins again without kneading it.
  • Leave it to rise until it has doubled in size.
  • Bake at 225C/450F mark 8 for about 45 mins.

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