Category: News


High street shops and pubs re-open On Monday 12th April, we welcomed our High Street neighbours and fellow shop keepers as they open up after lockdown restrictions have been lifted [...]
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Just a Few More Shopping Days…

Easter Plans We now know that we can entertain a few guests outside as we start coming out of lockdown.  Great news!  Good Friday is almost here!  I know most [...]
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It’ll Soon BE EASTER!

Arrangements for the Easter Weekend I know most of you are really well organised and have probably got this sorted already but here’s a friendly nudge if you haven’t. Good [...]
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Mothering Sunday Munchies

March 14th is the day! Now I know that we’re still restricted on how many we can have around the dining table but it doesn’t mean that you can’t do [...]
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Special Offer on Local Pork

Fabulous February Days Getting Longer I hope this reaches you in good condition and that your Valentine treated you well? It’s been really nice talking to some of you that [...]
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Some Great Ideas For a Treat ????

Valentine Week ideas Creamy Mushroom & Garlic Chicken Breasts This is delicious! Our very own on site Chef Charlie has come up with this delightful dish for 2. It comes [...]
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News From The Block

Bringing you the latest news Ssssshhhhh This time, I’m going to try and avoid the “c” word because we’re all fed up with it and instead, concentrate on the good [...]
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Sign Up For Offers

News & Offers Sign up for regular news I promise that I will not bombard you with a flood of junk mail and will only compose something worthy of a [...]
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New Delivery Days

New Delivery Dates Available. Since the most recent government announcement, measures to try and get on top of this COVID-19 virus have meant that we all need to stay safe [...]
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On this Old Year’s Night… After a pretty rough 2020, we are wishing you the very best for 2021. Happy New Year! Tony Perkins & The Team
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© Tony Perkins Butchers 2024.